How to Start an Acting Career Later in Life - StageMilk Drama School
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    How to Start an Acting Career Later in Life

Everybody thinks acting is a young person’s game, but that’s not necessarily true. There are countless examples of actors who started their careers later in life. Think about it: there are more parts for adults over 40 in film, television, and theatre than there are for young people.

So, if you are considering throwing off the shackles of your boring job, here’s how to start an acting career later in life.

Acting is all about relationships. The most valuable thing you have as an older actor is your life experience. Understanding how the real world works is a huge plus. You will have an instinctive insight into the complexities of relationships that young people just don’t have. You know the world isn’t black and white. Now it’s time to build a foundation of technique to support that.

Acting training is about arming yourself with problem solving tools for when your instinct fails; for when you can’t quite access the character organically. Taking some classes and reading some books on acting will broaden the range of characters you can play. It will allow you to step further away from your personal experience and into the life of your character.

Having a career as an actor isn’t just about being able to act. It’s about knowing how to be an actor. There are fantastic actors out there with terrible headshots who will never work. Organising your calling cards and being strategic about your relationships is essential.

First things first: get a great headshot.

A headshot should always look like you. Another advantage you have as an older actor is the inherent character you have in your face. Don’t shy away from that. You’re an individual and that will work in your favour.

Next you need an example of your acting AKA a showreel.

Showreels come in many forms; sometimes they are a compilation of your professional work, sometimes they are just a couple of audition scenes you shoot at home. Either way, make sure the audio is clean, the image is clear, and the acting is solid.

Now that you have your headshot and showreel sorted it’s time to make some strategic choices. This isn’t about being false and sucking up to people in the industry. It’s about surrounding yourself with people who are as passionate about your career as you are. That means finding other actors who are motivated to make work; to produce short films, and to put on theatre. Building a network of passionate people around you will help your career to no end.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you need representation. And again, this is a strategic choice. Having an agent and/or manager who is actively working to push your career forward is imperative. Do your research and find an agent who looks after other actors you would like to work with. Sign with an agent who believes in you, in the same way you believe in yourself.

Following in the footsteps of other actors helps to a point. It will give you some guidelines of how to approach the industry. But in the long run trying to emulate another actor’s career won’t serve you. Everyone’s journey is different, so you have to have your own career. That means trusting your instincts. Choosing which roles to take, and which roles to let go.

Believing in yourself as a human and as an actor. Being honest with yourself about where you’re at and doing everything you can to improve your craft.

Watch theatre, films, and television shows. Immerse yourself in your artform. Talk about acting with your friends and family. Develop an opinion on what makes good acting.

Define your goals to yourself, and stay true to your values. This industry will try to bend and break you. You need to have a solid foundation of self belief and worth to stay healthy. You are enough. Your goals are valid. You deserve an opportunity to pursue a successful acting career.

Good luck! And remember its never too late to give acting a crack…

We made StageMilk Drama School to help people get the industry training they need to go out and have a career as an actor.

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